Is there a childhood emotional trauma quiz?

Are you wondering if you experienced childhood trauma? Do you read about trauma symptoms and think it sounds like you? Do you struggle with confidence and wonder if it's because of something bad that happened to you? Is there a childhood emotional trauma quiz that you can take to find the answer?

Guess what? There is!

The Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale (ACES)

The Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale is a series of questions that can give a quick answer to whether or not you experienced childhood trauma. If you are interested in taking the ACES, you can find a version of it here.

Many people find the ACES comforting because it gives people a way to quantify their negative experiences. It becomes science, and science is hard to refute. We have a tendency to gaslight ourselves; telling ourselves that our own experiences aren't good enough to "count" as trauma or that we are just weak. Seeing your ACES score can help you to quiet the voice that says that your trauma isn't enough and validate your experience.

What does a high ACES score mean?

An ACES score of 4 or higher typically means that you have experienced a significant amount of trauma that can impact your physical and mental health as an adult. But any adverse experience in childhood could affect you as an adult, so your experience is still valid regardless of your score. The ACES isn't a diagnostic tool and it doesn't tell you if you have a trauma-related mental disorder or not. It is just a tool that gives insight into your experiences.

People with a higher ACES score are more likely to experience physical symptoms, such as headaches, heart disease, and obesity. They are also more likely to experience mental symptoms such as depression and anxiety. If you have a high ACES score, it may be helpful to reach out to a trained trauma therapist who can help you identify your symptoms and learn ways to manage and overcome childhood trauma.

Does childhood trauma impact adult performance?

The symptoms associated with trauma include anxiety, depression, flashbacks, intrusive negative thoughts, and negative beliefs about ourselves and people around us. Those symptoms can have a significant impact on us as adults. Negative beliefs can cause us to focus on perfectionism, or to experience impostor syndrome. Childhood experiences can make us feel like we have to constantly work, perform, and achieve just to be worthy of our space in the world. Childhood trauma can impact our relationships, work style, and our self-worth. It can even lead to burnout. These symptoms can all impact performance, causing people to perform below their abilities or to burnout from the pressure.

What do I do if I think I have childhood trauma?

If you think that you are struggling with childhood trauma, contact a therapist who is trained in trauma therapy. There are several modalities treatment methods that can help adults process childhood trauma and learn to thrive, including EMDR, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Cognitive Processing Therapy. If you're struggling, reach out. Trauma therapists are trained to understand your struggle and help you through the darkness. You can overcome childhood trauma.

If you are looking for a Counselor in Colorado Springs and you are interested in learning more about how True Grit Performance Counseling can help you with anxiety therapy, trauma therapy, or to manage impostor syndrome and burnout, click on the button below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation. There's no obligation. Start today.


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