Mental Health Tips and Information

Childhood Trauma Therapy
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

Childhood Trauma Therapy

Healing from childhood trauma can be a challenging and overwhelming process, especially when the trauma is caused by narcissistic parents or other toxic relationships. But, with the help of a trauma therapist, healing is possible. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of therapy in healing childhood trauma and why finding a trauma therapist near you can be an important step towards a brighter future.

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Why do I feel worse after therapy?
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

Why do I feel worse after therapy?

It happened again. You’ve come home from another therapy session. And even though this one was good and you felt like you got some good stuff off your chest, now all you can think about is how empty, sad and anxious you feel. You try to do the things that your therapist told you to do; focusing on the present moment, breathing, maybe even some tapping, but none of it is working and all you can think of is that you feel so much worse than you did before you went to therapy today.

If this happens to you, know that you’re not alone. There’s nothing wrong with you as a client. And while it's normal to sometimes feel worse after therapy, it's not something that you have to endure every week. To learn more about why sometimes you feel worse after therapy and what to do to feel better, continue reading below.

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Coping with another nationwide trauma
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

Coping with another nationwide trauma

Once again, the United States has been faced with a completely preventable tragedy that has hit everyone, regardless of what side of the political divide you're on, deep in our hearts. When these things happen, often people come to me and say that they feel bad about feeling bad. People struggle to be able to process their emotions and even engage in their sadness and anger because they feel like it's not fair because they aren't a direct victim. If you are waking up today wondering how can I possibly process a trauma when the trauma doesn't have anything to do with me? Keep reading below.

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How Therapy Changed My Life
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

How Therapy Changed My Life

Therapy changed my life.

More than once.

As a child, I was not an overachiever. There was a brief, glorious period between the ages of 2-8 when I was a gifted kid, won annual awards for academic excellence, and read voraciously, but that all ended when I was about 9 years old. After that, I was solid underachiever material, hounded constantly about my potential, my laziness, and my failures.

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Is there a childhood emotional trauma quiz?
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

Is there a childhood emotional trauma quiz?

Are you wondering if you experienced childhood trauma? Do you read about trauma symptoms and think it sounds like you? Do you struggle with confidence and wonder if it's because of something bad that happened to you? Is there a childhood emotional trauma quiz that you can take to find the answer?

Guess what? There is! Read more about the ACES scale and about how Counselors in Colorado Springs can help you overcome trauma.

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Do I Have PTSD
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

Do I Have PTSD

Many people wonder if they, or someone they care about, have PTSD. Understanding PTSD can be confusing. There are many different ways that PTSD can express itself, and everyone is different. Continue reading for insights into what PTSD is, how it’s treated, and how to find a trained therapist who can help.

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