Individual Therapy

Are you wondering if therapy can help you?

Does it sound like yet another thing that won’t work and won’t help? Do you wonder how sitting and talking to someone can change anything? Do you see people who have great therapists and wonder how you can find one? And does it sometimes feel like nothing can help you?

Mental health awareness has come to the forefront since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and for good reason. Over half of Americans report they are worrying more and enjoying life less. You probably know someone who has had a life-changing experience working with a therapist and it makes you wonder if that can happen for you. At the same time, you may be confused about how just talking to someone can help you. And you don’t have time to waste complaining about your problems.

Therapy works.

Talk therapy is about more than just talking. Clients in therapy are given space to process what happens to them, and they are also taught how the brain works, how they tick, and new skills that can help them manage anxiety, trauma, and burnout. With the help of an empathetic and understanding counselor, you’ll be given the skills to cope with difficult times, let things go, and learn to connect better with others.

A joyful, happy life isn’t about making sure that nothing bad ever happens again. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to guarantee that. Good mental health is about having the skills, emotional intelligence, and confidence to handle whatever happens to you. Rather than running from problems, you’ll learn to manage them and to stand strong against the slings and arrows of life. You'll learn distress tolerance skills that can help you move through the difficult moments of life and feel better at the end of each day, even if it was a tough one. And you'll be given the chance to develop the resilience to cope with a stressful situation and the courage to make a change.

Using techniques and interventions from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, I can help you discover yourself, how you think, and what you really want out of life. You'll gain a deeper understanding of who you are. We will work together to discover your purpose, and use that purpose to help you make decisions, manage your time, and develop your path.

Modern life can seem overwhelming. We are under constant demands and constant change, and the human brain simply wasn’t designed to cope with the level of stress that we face on a daily basis. In talk therapy, you’ll learn the neurobiology of anxiety and emotions. You’ll be able to understand yourself, find your purpose, and develop the tools to live a values-driven life.

You may be wondering:

What happens in a therapy session?

Each session is different for everyone. Typically, I’ll give you space to think through your problems, ask questions, and explore who you are and situations that have happened in your life. Then we will work together to identify ways that you can work with your own nervous system to make changes, feel stronger, and increase feelings of confidence and peace.

How will I know that it’s working?

Some people notice a difference after the first session. For others, it takes a few times before they start to see any changes. The change usually isn’t sudden or dramatic. When therapy is working, you simply notice that things aren’t as difficult as they were a few weeks or months before. You’ll find yourself feeling a little more confident, or able to tell someone no. More importantly, you’ll start to remember that you matter, that you have choices, and that the world isn’t such a terrible place.

I went to a therapist once and it was terrible. How do I know that you’ll be different?

Therapists are human and we all bring our personalities into the therapy room. Sometimes that works for you and sometimes it doesn’t. In my sessions, I use science, humor, empathy, and positive, strengths-based support to help you recognize your own worth, learn why you do the things you do, and develop skills to manage difficult times. I’ll help you understand your brain and how your emotions and beliefs impact you.

I know that all therapists are different and it’s important to work with someone who you trust and enjoy working with. If you start working with me and it’s not a good fit, I’ll be happy to help you find someone who will meet your needs. The most important part of therapy is the relationship with your therapist, and I would rather have you work with the right person for you than try to make you the right person for me.

Why work with me?

Before pursuing mental health, I spent 17 years working with Olympic and Paralympic athletes to help them reach their goals. In that time I managed teams, managed staff, and helped others develop their careers. As a counselor, I have trained in EMDR, Complex Trauma treatment, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and in other modalities that specifically target the anxieties and stresses that often stop people from becoming the best version of themselves. With my unique experience and education, I can help you figure out what is stopping you in life and help you create a specific, actionable plan to reach your goals.

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to me via my contact page. You can email a question or schedule a free 15-minute consultation. There's no obligation, so what's stopping you? If you’re looking for therapy in Colorado Springs or therapy in Denver, you may have come to the right place.