Anxiety Treatment

Does it feel like anxiety is part of who you are?

Do you lay awake at night with your mind racing, wishing that it would stop?

Do you find yourself always expecting the worst, even though you know that it'll probably be okay?

Are your shoulders, neck, and jaw always tight? Maybe so much that you don't even notice it anymore?

Do you tell yourself that you're being irrational and find that your worry intensifies?

Anxiety often masks itself as preparedness, planning, overthinking, or overachieving. You may find yourself feeling the need to constantly be working, cleaning, or achieving something in order to feel okay. Maybe you feel the constant need to check things - locks, your keys, checking on your loved ones - in order to make sure that nothing bad has happened. Maybe you've experienced anxiety for so long that you don't even know who you are without it. You just think that being high-strung or Type A is simply who you are. Do you even sometimes worry that your anxiety is permanent? That you'll never be free?

You're not alone. Nearly 40 million Americans experience anxiety every year, and that number has increased since the start of COVID-19. So many things that we consider part of daily life are actually related to anxiety - checking our phones for messages, doom scrolling, drinking at the end of each day to take the edge off, compulsive shopping, toxic productivity, and even toxic positivity can all be related to anxiety.

Anxiety therapy in Colorado Springs

Anxiety has become so prevalent in society that we often assume that it's a natural part of life - and then worry that we will never be able to overcome it. COVID-19 has increased our collective anxiety with 42% of Americans reporting anxiety symptoms in 2020. Increased isolation, decreased time outdoors, and ongoing changes in the structure of our lives have increased anxiety symptoms even in people who didn't previously struggle with mental illness.

If anxiety has been keeping you up at night, there's hope. Anxiety treatment is effective. Working with a compassionate therapist who understands anxiety and won't judge you for your worries - no matter how irrational they may seem - helps people learn to manage their anxiety and overcome it.

Using evidence-based modalities, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), I have provided anxiety counseling in Colorado Springs to numerous clients and helped them learn to recognize when their worries have taken control and learn to quiet their racing thoughts. I can help you understand the neuroscience of anxiety, teach you to recognize how anxiety impacts you physically and emotionally, and help you develop tools that you can use to manage anxiety on your own; tools that you can use for the rest of your life.

How does anxiety treatment work?

CBT skills help you to recognize unproductive thinking, and teaches you to reframe your thoughts in a healthy and realistic way. ACT helps you to recognize who you are; your core values and your purpose. Understanding yourself will allow you to make decisions without fear. You will know where you are heading and why. Mindfulness teaches you the skills you need to manage your anxiety at a physiological level. By developing mindfulness skills, such as meditation, grounding, and present-moment awareness, you can take control of your anxious mind and create peace and serenity within yourself that can last a lifetime.

You may be wondering:

I've tried everything and nothing works. What makes you different?

I begin anxiety treatment by teaching you the neuroscience of anxiety. You'll understand what anxiety is, where it comes from, why it happens, and why the tools we'll use work. Then we will work together to figure out what works for you as an individual. Don't like meditating? Then we won't meditate. Don't like breathing exercises? Then we will find something else. Clients who work with me are often at their wits end, convinced that they are beyond help. But by explaining what is happening in the mind and body, and exploring what works for you as an individual, we can find solutions that fit who you are; even if you have already tried everything.

Does having anxiety mean that I'm mentally ill?

No. It's possible to have anxiety without meeting the criteria for a mental illness. Anxiety therapy focuses on who you are as an individual. This isn't cookie-cutter therapy designed to get you in and out the door. My anxiety treatments are tailored to who you are and what you are experiencing. Labels aren't needed here.

Is anxiety treatment worth the cost?

Yes, it is worth the cost. While it is possible to understand anxiety and learn these skills using apps such as Headspace or Calm, working directly with a trained therapist who understands you as an individual and can help you explore what works for you and what doesn't, all without judgment or expectations, creates an environment where you can develop the skills that you need to manage your anxiety quickly. Clients who work with me have a deeper understanding of themselves and their own neuropsychology within just a few sessions. Because anxiety treatment is tailored specifically to you, you'll be able to develop tools that will work for you for years to come.

Start today.

I specialize in working with high-achievers and with complex trauma. Anxiety treatment is at the core of what I do each and every day. I have walked with many people as they've learned to manage their anxiety and let go of unhealthy thoughts. With my empathetic nature and my excitement about helping people overcome their anxiety, I can help you get there, too.

You may have more questions, and that's just fine. If you’re looking for a Counselor in Colorado Springs, contact me today to schedule your free 15-minute consultation where you can ask any questions you have about anxiety treatment.

It's time to discover who you really are and what you can really do. Contact me today.