Mental Health Tips and Information

How Do I Know if I Have Imposter Syndrome?
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

How Do I Know if I Have Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome is being talked about everywhere now, from the BBC to Instagram to the New York Times. While imposter syndrome is not a diagnosable mental health disorder, it is a very real form of anxiety that affects many people. Often they don't even realize they are struggling with it. One of the more insidious aspects of anxiety and imposter syndrome is that it makes you think that you are the problem. So, how do you know if you have imposter syndrome? And if you do have it, can it be cured?

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How to stop overthinking in a relationship
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

How to stop overthinking in a relationship

A lot of overachievers and high achievers reached success partially due to their ability to analyze trends, synthesize information, and confidently make decisions that benefit themselves and others. This is an amazing ability to have when it comes to our careers and hobbies, but it can be devastating when it comes to something as complex as human relationships. How many times have you found your mind spinning over and over trying to figure out your relationship? Wondering if your partner is loyal, or if your love interest feels the same way, or if your colleague is trustworthy? When we don't have enough information to reach a solid conclusion, our brain will just keep going and going. This creates anxiety, increased stress, and even regretful decisions. If you're curious about how to stop overthinking in a relationship, keep reading below...

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Do I Need Therapy?
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

Do I Need Therapy?

The question, “do I need therapy?” has probably crossed your mind at some point. It's a good question. The line between needing therapy and not needing therapy isn't clear, and if you've never been to therapy before it can be even more confusing. Here are some more questions to ask yourself to figure out if you need therapy:

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What is self care?
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

What is self care?

A lot of people are talking about self care, especially after COVID-19. This has become a media buzzword, and it seems like everyone is telling you that you need self care. But, what is self care? What does it mean? Why is it important?

Self care refers to anything you do that meets your physical and psychological needs. Our physical needs are food, water, shelter, rest, and sex. Our psychological needs include fun, growth, connection, significance, autonomy, and safety. When we do something that is specifically intended to meet one or more of these needs, we are engaging in self care.

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Mindset of an Athlete
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

Mindset of an Athlete

What is the mindset of an athlete? How do they think? How do they approach each day? What attitude does an athlete have to succeed? Most of us think that we can’t develop an athlete mindset, but the fact is that anyone can. Read more to learn what skills to develop to have the mindset of an athlete.

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5 Signs You May Have Anxiety
Stacy Andrews Stacy Andrews

5 Signs You May Have Anxiety

"Anxiety" has become a buzzword. Everyone talks about it and it seems like everyone has it. But, how do you know if you're experiencing normal nervousness versus something more detrimental to your mental health? Continue reading for signs that you might be struggling with anxiety.

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