Tips for Dealing with Anxiety for Business Owners

Entrepreneurs have an amazing amount on their plate each day. They have all the same problems that anyone else has - juggling family, friends, health, and career - coupled with being responsible for the livelihood's of their employees and the success of their business. On top of that, they must manage legal regulations, marketing, customer service, inventory, and a myriad of other things every single day. While owning a successful business is rewarding, the anxiety of running a company can be intense. If you find that you are struggling to sleep, can't get your mind off of work, or have physical symptoms such as headaches, tight shoulders, or even an upset stomach, you might be struggling with anxiety. Here are some tips that may help you get some relief.

Relax your jaw

Most of us are familiar with the usual places that humans hold tension, the neck, shoulders, and forehead. But many people don't realize that they are holding tension in their jaw. Tension in the jaw can cause headaches, pain, tenderness, and even joint dysfunction. If your jaw is tense, try the following:

  • Relax your jaw by keeping your teeth apart and your tongue at the roof of your mouth

  • Try a smile stretch

Take short mental breaks

When your to-do list is a mile long it's hard to convince yourself to take a mental break. The fact is, taking brief mental breaks throughout the day can help increase your focus, restore motivation, and can increase creativity. The break doesn't need to be long. Even a few minutes can change perspective and refresh your brain. You can take a brief walk, talk to a colleague, watch a funny video, or take a few deep breaths. The break doesn't have to be long and you don't have to do anything in particular. Just give yourself a chance to rest.

Set boundaries around your time

As an entrepreneur it may feel like you always need to be on-call. This can be draining and lead to burnout. It is important to set boundaries around your time, so that you can ensure you have time to rest and recharge for the next day. In fact, working more than 55 hours per week can actually reduce productivity. Setting aside time for rest, relaxation, connecting with others, and for hobbies can decrease anxiety and increase productivity. If you struggle to set aside time for yourself, start small. Stop checking emails after 8pm, or take a full lunch break three days this week. It can be tough to break the habit of overworking, especially for overachievers, but it's important for your physical and mental health.

Reach out for help

If anxiety is keeping you from getting at least 7 hours of sleep or if you are having trouble focusing, it may be time to reach out to a trained, compassionate therapist who specializes in anxiety treatment for achievers like you. A good therapist can help you develop new skills, recognize how anxiety feels for you, and help you learn ways to increase your enjoyment of your business and your life. If you're in Colorado and are interested in learning more about how performance counseling can help you, click on the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation. There's no obligation, so reach out today!


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