What’s your 2021 mindset?

What is your 2021 mindset? Many of us spent most of last year blaming the calendar for everything from our personal struggles to the global pandemic. 2020 became an easy scapegoat for everything that has gone wrong in the world and for ourselves personally. But, a new year doesn't magically change anything. The problems you had on 12/31/20 will be the same problems on 1/2/21 (go ahead and take New Year's Day off). So, how do you face 2021 when the problems of 2020 haven't gone away?

Change your mindset.

What is a mindset?

Mindset. Attitude. Outlook. Filter. All of these refer to essentially the same thing: the baseline emotions that you use when evaluating a situation. We all have a mindset. Some are naturally positive and optimistic. Some are so optimistic that they are unrealistic. Some are fairly neutral. Some are cynical. Some are angry. The one thing that they all have in common is that they are malleable. No matter what your current mindset is, you can change it and make it what you want it to be.

How do you know what kind of mindset you have?

It can be difficult to recognize our mindset, because it is the natural way that we think. If you want to know what kind of mindset you have, ask yourself what you expect in 2021? There are lots of different thoughts on this. Here are some common ones:

  • Everything will be okay. We will recover from 2020.

  • Everything will get worse. Zombie snake-bears will kill us all by June.

  • There's no way of knowing, so I should prepare for the worst.

  • There's no way of knowing, so I will wait and see.

  • This is the Buffalo Bills' year and that is all that matters (spoiler! It's never the Buffalo Bills' year).

  • I'm excited about the possibility! If I believe it will be amazing, it will be.

  • 2021 will involve some good things and some bad things. Let's see how it plays out.

  • The year doesn't matter because there's always opportunity.

  • The year doesn't matter because nothing ever changes.

Look at the statements above. Some are fairly optimistic. Some are unrealistically optimistic. Some are quite negative. Some are somewhat neutral. Some are depressing to read. All of these statements reflect a mindset. Which one most closely aligns with yours?

How to change your mindset

If your mindset is pessimistic, cynical, or just doesn't feel right to you, good news! You can change your mindset. (If you're happy with your mindset, then you can stop here and go on with your day. Thanks for reading!)

The first step to changing anything is to recognize that you want to change.

The second step is deciding what mindset you want to have. This one is a bit tough, because there is not a single mindset that is best for everyone. A mindset that is too optimistic may leave you unable to handle difficulty. A mindset that is too pessimistic may leave you unable to recognize opportunity. A toxically positive mindset ("Nothing bad ever happens! Happiness is a choice! Life is what you make it!") can actually create feelings of shame and guilt when something bad inevitably happens. A toxically negative mindset ("Why do I even bother? Nothing ever changes. Nobody truly cares about you") can create feelings of depression, apathy, and cause you to miss out on opportunities for growth because you simply aren't looking.

Once you have decided on your mindset, write it down. Think about other areas in your life: work, school, home, athletics, training, family, relationships. What are some ways that you can have a different mindset in each of these areas? One that allows for growth? One that allows you to see opportunities?

Your 2021 Mindset

How do you want to view this year? You can choose how you see everything. You can choose new possibilities. You can choose to enjoy what you can, and let go of the rest. You can choose how you frame the situations that you experience. So, what is your 2021 mindset? Write it down. Your mindset creates your reality. Embrace it.

Therapy can help you create a new mindset

If you’re struggling to hold on to your new mindset, you’re not alone. Changing brain patterns is a difficult thing to do. While you can do this on your own, working with a trained, compassionate therapist can help you develop new skills smoothly and efficiently. If you have questions or are interested in learning how anxiety treatment for overachievers can help you, click on the contact button below. You can email me a question or schedule your free 15-minute consultation. There’s no obligation, so why don’t you start today?


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